Greetings all,
Jamie is still on the regular prison unit, she is not in the infirmary, nor has she been moved to the hospital. She is tired, weak, and ill. She has been vomiting at least twice a day and yesterday she vomited four times and has not been able to keep
anything down. A possible cause mentioned involves phosphates, but the prison refuses to carry out the necessary blood test nor provide her with the proper nutrition indicated for dialysis patients as their care is notoriously cut-rate!
Her left arm, where the shunt is placed, is painful with lack of mobility and she has not been followed up by a doctor regarding that surgery as of this time. She received dialysis yesterday via the catheter in her groin and was given Heparin to insure that the catheter would not clog, however no mention has been made of the green pus or prior bleeding. She also is restarting insulin today and is on blood pressure medicine. It has been Jamie's past experience that mismanagement of her medications has contributed to her illnesses many times.
Jamie needs to be released so that her family can follow-up with proper care for her. We have a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the prison medical system and believe that she will die in there if she is not released! She's in end stage kidney failure and is being housed in a unit where there is mold and leaking water whenever it rains and is a breeding ground for infection. Jamie should be in the Medical Bldg. where her sister, Gladys, can care for her or better yet be hospitalized until she is completely stable. In fact, Jamie and Gladys have no business in that prison to begin with!
Many have asked about Gladys, as you can well imagine her prior depression has taken a downturn in her constant distress about her sister's rapidly declining condition. She has also lost considerable weight in worrying about Jamie's issues as well as her own unjust incarceration and all that entails. She definitely could use a card or a letter, as could Jamie, although Jamie's address fluctuates:
Gladys Scott, #19142
P.O. Box 88550
Pearl, MS 39288-8550
Jamie Scott, #19197
P.O. Box 88550
Pearl, MS 39288-8550
We need everyone to use your contacts and networks to make something happen for these women. Please stretch out and send the press release, case summary, and flyer links out to everyone you know, post them to websites, blogs, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, everywhere there is an audience to view it. Please sign, help distribute and mail-in the letter
at the website to Chokwe Lumumba's office in the 10,000 letters campaign. We really you all to do whatever you can do to help us get the word out and to take initiatives on behalf of these women. We need to pump this up like never before. Let's try our very best to make sure that everyone we can think of is aware of this case.
Thank you all! Keep the pressure on!
P.O. BOX 7100